I am a full-time carer for my 63 year old son, who is intellectually impaired, has severe Autism & some physical disorders – now onsetting dementia. Caring for my son 24/7 without support or assistance, has always been troublesome, being a single (divorced) mum bringing up 3 boys, all with various problems – until NDIS came into being. There are lots of ups & downs, but caring for him has given me purpose in my life. I love my son dearly & wouldn’t be without him. I used to take him everywhere, we did many things together; but now, at age 88, I find myself immobile with major health problems, unable to provide all that my son needs. My constant worry – WHAT HAPPENES TO HIM AFTER I PASSED ON? I dread to have him live in one of those Group Homes (hearing too many horror stories about them) He has spent his younger years in institutions & Group Homes with disastrous treatment/results. We have no immediate family that would be able to care for him. Though I am investigating where he can live out the rest of his life after I am gone